
Dance Ice Gymnastics Sportswear

Size 10 Boys Clothing - Singlets

Page: 1

Item: 3067

Size: 10


Item: 3068

Size: 10


Page: 1

120 c. Crosswise centre fold: This is suitable for materials that are too narrow to accommodate the width of pattern pieces when folded lengthwise. d. Off centre crosswise fold: When only a part of the material is required to cut pattern pieces that are too wide for lengthwise fold layout, this type of fold is used.

13.5 GATHERS: Gathering is an effective and decorative way of distributing fullness over a given area. In dress making, gathers are often used at yokes line, waist line, neck line, upper and lower edge of sleeves for kids and ladies garment. The amount of material needed for gathering will be twice the measurement of waist circumference.